Jessi Ramsey, Pet-sitter: “My backside is my best side”

Jessi takes care of approximately one thousand animals and the BSC learns about democracy… or do they? We get another great Kristy apology, Anne teaches us about advertising, and we learn about her trypophobia (but it does NOT apply to candy). Also, we recover from our relief that our US election was finally called (in a non-fascist direction!).

FYI Links:
Wendy’s “Where’s the Beef” compilation
Certs “Two Mints in One” (sorry, could only find one from 1990!)
Bounty “The Quicker Picker Upper”

“Stuck in Stoneybrook” is edited by Emily Crandall. Theme song written and recorded by Gary Shaller, performed by the band Kid Kit. Need some books that we mentioned? Buy them from our Bookshop bookstore. If you’re feeling dibbly generous, rate and review us on iTunes. You’re the best friends a girl could ask for. Last but not least, thank you to Ann M. Martin, for everything.


Dawn on the Coast: “CAT HAT RAT FAT CLAIRE”


Mallory and the Trouble With Twins: “Der blum tiding poffer-tot.”